Colourful Connections

making connections

[pullquote align=”right” style=”style2″ width=”381″ size=”14″ line_height=”18″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#222222″][blockquote custom_class=”” txt_color=”#222222″ size=”25″ line_height=”32″]Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.[/blockquote][/pullquote]

Our visible presence and impact requires making connections through our senses and we focused on this during the retreat program. Did you know that when we make eye contact we become connected. Would you believe that this connection can be so intense that we find ourselves occupying our time with distractions and busyness. It’s as if we have a modern addiction to numb the discomfort of getting a razor’s edge of emotional intensity. It is through the relationships that we have that we are able to experience what is true, beautiful, and good. It is through these relationships that high performance is expressed and our potential, meaning, and purpose are revealed.

It is also likely that most of what we learn at school will be irrelevant by the time we are 40.. so…my best advice then is to focus on our personal resilience and emotional intelligence as these life skills will help us navigate change, our visibility and impact for employment and community connections – or in other words – our place in the world!

For me music helps make sense between the major connections in my thinking, my curiosities, my relationships. Coldplay’s ‘Up and Up” lyrics are just apt for each one of us…

‘See a pearl form, a diamond in the rough

See a bird soaring high above the flood

It’s in your blood

It’s in your blood’

Brene Brown, author of Dare to Lead, one of the books I’m currently reading, says that to be vulnerable is to be uncomfortable. Some of our connections can be uncomfortable can’t they? Others seem to suck you dry! Being present with people without sacrificing who you are, is key to connecting through presence and empathy without losing your soul. Music is a favourite go to for me, you can get totally lost in the beat, lyrics, meaning, relevance and memories it evokes – stunning in making connections for us to our soul.

Connecting with others happens all day long… day in and day out.. sometimes better than we thought or hope for. We can be very surprised by our own reactions and responses and the reactions and responses to those we are in conversation with. In all our connecting, we can be unaware of how our emotions influence our decisions, behaviours and performance. Being empathetic in our listening and response adds a genuine layer to our connecting doesn’t it?

When do we take the time to connect with self? Be present to our self? When do you?

Our weekend retreat was precious time to stop the busyness, to rest from the constant and compulsive organisation of every minute and be connected to the moment with purpose. The potential for connectedness is ours. We are MASTERPIECES.

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