INDIA – Educating Mumbai’s Young People

In India, Mumbai is the major centre of learning and education. The literacy rate in this city has increased from 50% to 80% in the last 40 years. The number of out-of-school children and adolescents has also seen a decline in the last decade. Indeed, educating Mumbai’s young people has been the focus of the local government. However, there are still challenges that Mumbai is facing.

One pertinent challenge of educating children in Mumbai is the decline in the quality of education. With the increase in population comes the increase of children that need to be educated. To accommodate this increase in children needing to enrol in school, there has been a huge increase in the number of schools. Unfortunately, this fast rise in the number of schools has meant that the standard and quality of education has not been properly monitored by governing bodies. This caused a rise in the enrolees of private schools in Mumbai, with wealthy families opting to enrol in these schools rather than the free and public schools.

Another challenge is the number of school dropouts, specifically the number of female students. According to the 2018 Annual Status of Education Report, almost 14% of female students between the ages of 15 and 16 were out of school. According to Time Magazine, young girls are expected to complete the housework and thus result in them missing out on school. Sadly, this culture is deeply ingrained in this society. While there are advocates of children’s rights, the harsh reality remains that there is no provision for banning housework or agricultural work for children. When female students miss out on school, they also miss out on the opportunities that this opens outside housework.

Lastly, financial hardship is still the main reason why is it hard to educate Mumbai’s young people. While students from ages 6 to 13 are offered free and compulsory education, they are still required to buy their own books and other materials. With most families earning less than 500 rupees a day, it is only enough to support their basic necessities. Going to school and getting an education can be quite expensive and it is no wonder that most families opt to have their children drop out and start working.

Jean Samuel George is an educator at heart and is at the forefront of educating Mumbai’s young people. With years of experience as a teacher and trainer, Jean has been instrumental in educating students and teachers alike. She has a vast background as a software trainer and content writer which has contributed to her vast experience as an educator. She is indeed an asset to the Education field in Mumbai with her continued efforts to raise the quality of education in schools across the city. Her work in Sunday school has also taught children the necessary values to be good citizens of the country. And just like what Jean Samuel George has been doing all her life, it is important to raise the quality of education and get children back in school. Ultimately, education is the crucial component for the growth and prosperity of the country as a whole.

Carrie Benedet is hosting a Global leadership online conference where Jean Samuel George is an invited speaker. To attend, go to or get in touch with Carrie Benedet today.

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