4 Ways to Deal with A Heavy Workload

With the multiple demands for managers in the workforce, both physical and mental, exhaustion is not uncommon. Being a responsible leader takes a heavy toll on us physically and mentally. Stress caused by work is commonplace. Proper introspection on why work can be a source of stress can be worth the review. The fact is, work does overlap other aspects of our lives. Our decision to do a particular job whether it is our first choice or not, usually provides for the lifestyle we choose. The interplay of these aspects in our current situation like work, relationships, hobbies, and health need to be understood in order to discover where the stress comes from and why.If the stress we are feeling is contributed by work, below are four ways to deal with a heavy workload.
1. Prioritise Tasks
Often mental stress comes from thinking too much and being worried about deadlines. These demands take a heavy toll on our psyche. It is crucial that we analyse these demands and learn to prioritise based on their importance. Assigning tasks based on urgency alleviates the pressures based on deadlines. It also helps us be focused on what is important and helps us see where the time went and how each precious minute was used. Prioritising workload and seeing them accomplished one by one is satisfying.
2. Rotation
The mundane routine of some aspects of our job can make us feel bored. We are curious by nature and this curiosity leads us to want to learn more. By mixing up the known repetitive tasks with new and interesting tasks, we can stay engaged without burning up time learning too many new tasks and getting overtired. When we clearly learn how to rotate tasks, we become more aware of the skills we are focusing on and other skills that need to be addressed. Being conscious your own skills, and of the time and effort needed to do jobs, puts you in the driver seat to keeping improving your competencies.
3. Take Breaks
It is natural for people to strive for perfection. But sometimes people take this ambition to a whole new level working long hours and forgoing breaks, feeling that this is what is needed to show a strong work ethic. However, working long hours can be damaging to one’s health and foregoing breaks can lead to burnout. Breaks recharge you to continue with more inspiration and productivity for the rest of the day. Remember managers need to be a good role model to their teams, and while a strong work ethic is a great example but promoting balance with regular breaks will improve the well-being and morale of the workforce.
4. Learn Rewarding Yourself
We have all seen and read about how companies retain employees and improve job satisfaction through rewards and recognition. With a heavy workload, being recognised and appreciated is especially rewarding as you feel that you have been noticed. Why not use the same concept for your own personal gain? One should not depend on praise or reward from others. In some workplaces you may be waiting for some time! Learn the art of rewarding yourself through incentivising tasks so you can give yourself that boost to carry on.
With all the priorities and tasks, we set for ourselves, remember that you are the only person who can truly take care of yourself. The burden of a heavy workload coincides with the duty of being a responsible manager. Learn to be a responsible manager. At Carrie Benedet, we can help you focus on what is truly important and enable leaders to support their team and themselves.