Teachers Championing Teachers

Teachers Are Human Beings
We all expect and hope that our teachers inspire, enlighten, and educate our children. Actually, for society, these are just some of a teacher’s responsibilities. They need to nurture our students so they become responsible and well educated adults in the future. It is a noble vocation but it is so often undervalued. But for those who work so hard to finish a degree that will give them the license to inspire, enlighten, and educate the future, it can be extremely rewarding. Most teachers understand the importance of investing in their continuing education so they can pursue this noble profession. That’s why it is so disappointing when a teacher seems to be demotivated to educate their students. People tend to judge these teachers harshly, forgetting one vital thing: teachers are people.
Teachers are just like anybody else…humans with feelings. Like that parent who is swamped with responsibilities, teachers have a list of things they need to accomplish too, and it may be work-related or not. Teachers are just like their students. They have dreams and aspirations. They have hobbies they wish they had more time for. They also have hopes that go down the drain when things don’t go according to plan. Teachers also long for a pause button or a moment to recharge. Because teachers get tired too. They also experience moments of loneliness. Teachers have lives outside the four corners of their classrooms or sadly sometimes, they wish that they did.
We often hear that teaching is not just a job, but it is the only livelihood for most our teachers. It is a job that requires a teacher to meet standards, accomplish deadlines, and it can burn a teacher out. And just like any other human who looks for purpose, getting support along the way is a much-needed concept. That being said, our educators need the same amount of assistance from its community. Because in simplest terms, they get stressed out too.
There are many ways the community can provide support. Advocacies for teachers are everywhere. It is a rewarding feeling to receive support from one’s community. Validation is established because the sense of purpose is confirmed. Many studies have shown that an individual with a strong and reliable support system is more likely manage depression and anxiety and veer away from more serious mental states. Supporting teachers is definitely a good cause for as much as we need doctors, engineers, and/or lawyers, we also need teachers. Teachers lay down the foundation of education which is vital for anyone who wishes to take the academic path, and not to mention all the youth who represent our future. We would not have our doctors, engineers, and lawyers without our teachers. They deserve all our regard, respect, and support.
Teachers Supporting Teachers Make A Huge Difference
Imagine having a group of people from different walks of life, cheering for you, sympathising with you, telling you that you matter. It must be comforting. It would be amazing. Then again, there will be moments when you cannot unload all your thoughts with these people simply because, they won’t have a full grasp of your situation and predicament.
Now, imagine having a group of like minds to discuss matters with or share momentous leaps with. Imagine having a support system that knows your struggles not only because you shared these with the group and they care for you but because they’ve experienced it first-hand. They know what you’re talking about inside-out. It makes sense to build a support system that’s strong and reliable for teachers.
Teachers, just like all of us, need support too. Having a supportive community can help teachers relieve stress and recharge. Teachers need to champion teachers. No one can better understand a teacher but a co-teacher, and teachers are encouraged to also create a support system within the education ecosystem, and/or finding a coach who is experienced in supporting teachers, and can inspire teachers.
Teachers are just like anybody else…humans with feelings. Like that parent who is swamped with responsibilities, teachers have a list of things they need to accomplish too, may it be work-related or not. Teachers are just like their students. They have dreams and aspirations. They have hobbies they wish they have more time for. They also have hopes that go down the drain when things don’t go according to plan. Teachers also long for a pause button or a moment to recharge. Because teachers get tired too. Teachers also experience moments of loneliness. Teachers have lives outside the four corners of their classrooms or worse, wish that they do.