4 Small Leadership Actions That Create A Huge Impact

“It’s the small things that matter most”.
Have you heard of this quote before? Every relationship from personal to professional is built on life’s everyday small actions that create a larger impact in the long run. I’ve been an employee for a long time and there were the things that my boss did for me that I will never forget. No, it was not about receiving cash bonuses after achieving a quota, it was the interactions that were more personal that made me feel motivated and valued as a person at work.
As a Leadership Coach, I advise leaders to be creative with how they show their appreciation to their employees. Often, leaders who consistently make an effort to do these 4 small leadership actions are the ones that can create a huge impact on their employees’ lives:
1. Remember& Call by Name
Imagine working for a company for almost 5 years with a leader that you see day by day and still they could not properly address you by name? I assume that you’d feel unappreciated or under valued by the company. This is exactly what your employees would feel if you didn’t call them by their names. You would have to admit, if you’re in a company with more than 100 employees and the CEO greets you with your name, you wouldn’t forget it. In case you are having a hard time remembering names, here are some trick and tips.
2. High Five’s During Monday Morning
A CEO I worked for would always come to my station every Monday morning, full of energy and a huge smile, to give me a high five without fail. The attrition rate in that company is very low. Most employees stayed there for more than 5 years. I still know a few who are still there since the company was founded. This is just because of the importance the CEO placed on consistently acknowledging his employees with a high five. He made Monday mornings special and fun. I stayed in that company myself for 6 years. Hard to believe something as simple as a high five could be so powerful? Never underestimate small gestures like this. It only took this leader a few seconds to do but it created a fun, enjoyable and light environment to work in.
3. Birthday or Holiday Cards
Have you heard of Belfor Holdings, Inc? If not, then this would be an incredible story for you. The CEO’s name is Sheldon Yellen and every year, he handwrites – yes, you read that right – HANDWRITES to his 9,200 employee’s birthday, thank you cards, anniversary or holiday cards. They said that he would travel with a suitcase full of stationary cards and writes on them while he’s in a plane. It is amazing to imagine how this man who is so very busy could set aside his time to write something about how thankful he is that you’re in his company! Yellen mentioned in this article: “It’s also something that doesn’t have to cost a thing. When I learn of random acts of kindness being performed in the field, I take it upon myself to again, reach out in writing, and send a thank you card so that person can know they are appreciated and that their efforts don’t go unnoticed.” Probably, it’s time to do a card shop now.
4. Small Talks
At times, all you have to do is reach out. Try to talk to your employees and get to know them more. A 5-minute conversation will immediately give you a window to your employees’ lives: their dreams, their struggles, who they are, what motivates them and so much more. There are so many things that can come out of small talks. Your employees may open up about areas for improvement in the office, suggestions to make your company a better place to work in, or even creating reward systems to help with their motivation.
If you run into a situation that would give you opportunity to talk to your employees, always be the one to reach out. This will also show how you are approachable, and to avoid any awkward silence.
If you are a leader trying to look for ways to connect with your employees, then try any of these small things and I assure you that you will create a lasting impact in your workplace. If you are struggling on how, when or where to start, then send me a message today and I would be more than happy to help build that connection between you and your company through the small actions that really matter the most.