What is Constructive Criticism?

Criticism is feedback. We get criticized for our look, our work, our personality, basically on everything. Criticisms may be good or bad. We also call them constructive and destructive criticisms. Taking it from the word itself, destructive destroys, and constructive builds. Destructive criticism is to be avoided as it seeks to bring people down, rather than supporting them. So what is constructive criticism? Constructive criticisms are feedback that helps us improve. These are tips, suggestions, options and other people’s opinions. Why does it help? It gives us a fresh perspective on things. A different angle for us to look at to improve.
Constructive criticism in the workplace is genuinely necessary. In the office, we want to work harmoniously with our colleagues and progress as individuals and as a team. Constructive criticism is often given during coaching sessions. Coaching is very effective in guiding employees in doing their jobs. In what ways does constructive criticism help in the office?
1. Different Perspective
Working with a routine in an office sometimes may make employees complacent, too relaxed and bored. In this situation employees have the tendency to overlook challenges, be taken by surprise by changes and also, fall short from the expectations upon them. In coping with the ever-changing face of business, employees should be kept on their toes. They should always be alert and on the lookout for possibilities. By giving employees constructive criticisms, employees are allowed to see how they work from a different view. Constructive criticisms provide new ideas and fresh options. Employees can use this feedback to either improve their skills, work techniques or habits and ensure meeting or even exceeding expectations.
2. Opportunity to Re-think
Constructive criticisms open opportunities to re-think. It allows employees to go back to the drawing board and work on something they may have not tried before. It gives them a complete look at how they work. Constructive criticisms make their creativity come out and to come up with a new approach, a new schedule, or a new working style. It gives the employees options to always be better than yesterday or last week, and so on.
Constructive criticisms make the employee re-think possibilities.
3. Gives Employees an Edge
Constructive criticisms are given for improvement in the form of suggestions, feedback or options. Colleagues, coaches, leaders, supervisors, and managers give constructive criticisms for improvement. Employees are either observed or evaluated and provided with feedback whenever potential is seen or opportunities are available. This makes the workplace a safe place to work. It makes the employees trust the people they work with, ensures people in the workplace can see the possibilities for improvement for the employee, and at the same time encourages ambition. It gives the employees an edge because it will encourage ambition for improvement. With this ambition, the employees will seek programs that will help them achieve their goals as individuals and as a team/company.
4. Positive reinforcement
Constructive criticisms give positive reinforcement of feedback from managers. This positive reinforcement backs up the employees’ plans and goals. Constructive criticisms fuel an employees’ desire to work better, improve and exceed expectations. It is like raising the bar for yourself in order for you to be able to cope with the progress of your team or company. These are positive words, beneficial suggestions and agreeable solutions that help employees succeed. It can be a simple “good job,” “great work,” or “thank you for your hard work.” All of these are constructive criticisms in its simplicity. They boost one’s morale, make an employees’ day at work and definitely will make them smile – positive outlook at work. And these simple words of encouragement, feedback or constructive criticisms make solutions possible.
Providing constructive criticisms at work is always encouraged. Everyone deserves to be pushed or prodded every now and then to be the best with what they do. Constructive criticisms help in making this possible. By giving good, helpful feedback, employees tend to look at how they are doing things and look at other ways by which they can do their jobs in a more efficient and more effective way. Constructive criticisms awaken one’s desire to do better, be better. It makes the working relationship in the office tighter, with a stronger bond, a deeper connection. This makes the office an employees’, second home.
If you need help providing constructive criticism to your employees, contact Carrie Benedet today.